Saturday, March 28, 2009


Key Word: Lists

My first idea for today's key words post was to write about an ethical dilemma I faced this week. The key words were obvious: "Ethical dilemma" would serve as the title and the central key words for the post. The story about this ethical dilemma is long; words and phrases began crowding my thoughts immediately as I thought about how to write this post. My emotions about this situation mixed with my thoughts and started to jumble those words and phrases in my head. My rational side took over: Maybe another word would be a better springboard for reflection and discussion, I thought. Soon, several ideas for posts were competing for attention and I began organizing my thoughts into a neat little mental list.

Lists, lists, lists. If it is not on a list, chances are it won't get done. And even if it is on a list, it still might not get done. Lists are an easy, fast way to get my thoughts out. I can organize my thoughts...hold myself accountable. Soon, several ideas were competing for attention.

In an effort to centralize ideas for posts as well as finding a repository to dump my thoughts, here is a list of what I think could be future posts:

  • Ethical dilemma
  • User-centered design and activity theory
  • Zone
  • Goal jeans
  • Anxiety
Now to get back to my homework list...chances are it will all get done. Then again, it might not.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Key Word: Test

Test is the first Key Word I will build a blog post around. I am new to the blogosphere and am checking out this blogging experience before I return to my homework. Test is the key word for this post for two purposes. The first is the reason I just mentioned: I am testing this system by posting because this is my first blog post, and secondly because this idea of being more technically capable has been a test- a test of my will, a test of my intelligence, and a test of my self-confidence.

At near forty years old, I have returned to school in pursuit of my PhD in Technical Communication at IIT. Having been out of the technical conversation for several years, I returned to the classroom to pursue my degree, mostly to keep my mind occupied. This tests my will. While at times I feel like have the willpower to succeed, there are days when I question the sanity of my decision. What makes it easier for me than most people, I imagine, is that I do not have kids. Also, my partner travels for work so I have uninterrupted stretches of time to concentrate on my studies.

The program also tests my intelligence. New subject matter, new technology, and new ways of learning has me wrapping my brain around what it means to be a technical communicator. I am back in the educational world of analysis and synthesis of information. I am making connections as I progress through this degree program and engage myself in the learning environment, both the physical and mental learning environments, and the material is at times very challenging.

Lastly, my self-confidence is tested often being my age in the classroom. Having some life experiences behind me, I have a certain level of self-assurance that I have developed. My self-confidence is challenged at times by the imbalance of not knowing how to write code for a website. At the same time, my experience provides me with the maturity to understand that the upset to my confidence is temporary as I use my will and intelligence to push through it.